

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Do You Find Out? Boy or Girl?

So one of the big questions everyone will ask you is if you know if your baby is a boy or girl (or if you are planning on finding out.)  While it seems like an easy question, for many it can be a big debate. One partner may want to know, while the other may not. Below are some reasons for finding out, and some reasons not to.

To Find Out:
  • Finding out ahead of time can allow you to save quite a bit of money on clothing you might find on sale, if you can be disciplined enough not to buy everything you see. You can buy a season or two ahead as things go on sale.
  • It is hard for friends and family to pass up all those cute things, too. Hopefully they'll be as generous when they come across items hard to pass up and you and your baby will be the beneficiaries of their generosity.
  • If you have other children and you come to realize your new baby will be the opposite gender of their sibling, you will have time to buy appropriate clothes, bedding, carseats, etc.
  • You hate secrets and this is the biggest one yet. To go 20 weeks not knowing was already a lot to ask of you!
  • If you want to have the perfect room setup for your new baby, including gender appropriate bedding, etc. you should definitely find out. Once the baby comes you will be a little too busy to visit every baby store in your area to find exactly what you are looking for.

Let It Be A Surprise:
  • If you are having a baby shower the majority of the gifts will be geared towards the gender of the baby. Sounds great until all you get are cute, frilly girlie clothes or dump/fire truck tops! If you actually want/need standard baby items such as tubs, carseats, etc., good luck!
  • If you don't particularily like pink or blue, that might be reason enough. For the same reason everyone wants to buy you gender-appropriate baby shower gifts....that is all you'll get.
  • If you are not a disciplined shopper you will end up spending a fortune on all the cute clothes you just couldn't pass up (and everyone else will buy for you, too!)
  • Once your family/friends know the gender, they'll want to know the name, too.
  • What is everyone going to yell when the baby finally arrives, if you know? It's a Boy! or It's a Girl! is an easy thing to scream out when the day comes...pretty hard to yell "It's 7lbs, 21"!"

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