

Monday, January 11, 2010

2nd Trimester Sleeping

If you have entered the 2nd Trimester as I have, you have been welcomed into the world of uncomfortable sleeping. As if it wasn't bad enough that your body is going through so many changes (most of which make you uncomfortable,) now you have to learn to sleep on your side.

It is recommended that by the time you enter into the 2nd Trimester you are sleeping on your left side in order to improve blood flow to your fetus and uterus and to help your kidneys get rid of waste and fluids. While either side is considered acceptable, sleeping on your left side is considered the best position. Lying on your back is not recommended as the weight of your uterus applies extra pressure on your vena cava which can disrupt bloodflow to the you, the uterus, and the placenta (and therefore the baby.)

A great purchase during this time would be one of those full-length body pillows. I happen to use 'The Snoogle' made by Leachco which can be purchased at such stores as Babies R Us and Target for around $50.  While you might be inclined to save that money and just use a few pillows, the Snoogle stays put and won't move like regular pillows.  I actually tried that this weekend as I forgot to bring my Snoogle for an overnight hotel stay and I got the least sleep since becoming pregnant because the pillow kept moving on me.

With all the changes you are going through, this is a great time to feel like you are in your own little nest with the pillow enveloping you. As an added benefit, if your back is giving you problems the Snoogle helps that too, by providing just enough support along your spine.

If you have pets, be forewarned that once they find the Snoogle you'll have to fight to keep them out of it!  Enjoy comfortable sleeping again!

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