

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Feeling The Baby Move

Somewhere around 14-16 weeks it is likely you will begin to feel the baby start to move. First-time mothers many not recognize it right away, but it is unmistakeable in future pregancies. What begins as the feeling of little bubbles turns into more and more movements such as kicks, punches, and even hiccups. The movements of your baby can be as reassuring as the heartbeats themselves and while they can be uncomfortable as the baby grows larger, you do have to smile knowing your little one is bouncing around in there. Its hard to believe in a few short months whatever it is that is growing inside of you will be out in this big world and you'll soon be parents!

As the baby's movements become larger you will be able to share with the father and possibly even siblings when the baby moves. You'll soon see if your baby wants to "play games" with them and will stop moving around just as someone places their hands on your belly...but the second they give up, the baby will start to move again.

It is important to enjoy these times with your little one...remember what it is like to have a life inside of you, depending upon you for everything.  Soon your little one will be "outside" and it is certainly easier to take them everywhere while they are all bundled up cozy inside of you.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hearing The Baby For The First Time

Early on it unlikely you will "feel" pregnant...sure you might be sick and you've gone to enough doctors' visits, but do you really FEEL pregnant? Can you believe you have someone growing and living inside of you? Do you find it hard to wait month-to-month to hear your little one again? Brought on by a surge of soon-to-be families wanting a little piece of mind, 'Baby Dopplers' have become very desirable before you can feel the baby kick for the first time.

There are plenty of places out there that offer the 'Baby Dopplers' or 'Baby Heartbeat Monitors' and you are sure to find one that meets your needs. Most offer similar devices with similar results. I personally have used Baby FM to rent a baby doppler. Not only does it give you and the baby's father a chance to hear that tiny heartbeat, but you can also share with other family members and perhaps eager-to-be siblings.

Although I have never tried it myself, I have heard the inexpensive "listening devices" sold in stores that look more like a glorified cd/headphone combo are not much better than just that. Remember that Playskool doctor set that you had as a child...that is still offered today? Other mothers have stated that using one of those might offer the same results....not about much.